tiistai 9. elokuuta 2016

Sometimes You Have To Go Far To Feel You're At Home

Village Market_2016-1

RAW on yksi suosikkipaikoistani Berliinissä, kuten olen monesti aiemmin todennut. Nykyään sen takaosan valtaa viikonloppuisin Kiez99 Village Market, joka tarjoilee ruokaa (loistavat bataattiranskikset!), juomaa, taidetta ja mahtavan ilmapiirin. Rakastan paikan sisustusta. Kävin kahden viikon reissullani Village Marketissa molempina lauantaina, joista toisena uppouduin kirjan ja juoman kanssa jättisuuren tuolin uumeniin. Kirjana oli Ted Hughesin lastenkirja Ffangs the Vampire Bat and the Kiss of Truth. Ostin sen suosikkikirjakaupastani Shakespeare & Sonsista, jossa tuli tälläkin kertaa vietettyä paljon aikaa niin yksin kuin ystävienkin seurassa. 

Village Market_2016-34
Village Market_2016-3
Village Market_2016-10
Village Market_2016-2
Village Market_2016-8
Village Market_2016-33

Village Market_2016-27
Village Market_2016-31
Village Market_2016-38
Village Market_2016-26
Village Market_2016-11
Village Market_2016-4
Village Market_2016-24
Village Market_2016-16
Village Market_2016-23
Village Market_2016-36
Village Market_2016-35
Village Market_2016-21
Village Market_2016-20
Village Market_2016-25

RAW is one of my favorite places in Berlin as I've mentioned a few times before. Nowadays a part of it is taken up by Kiez99 Village Market on the weekends. There's good food (sweet potato fries, yum!), drinks, art and a great atmosphere. I love it's decor so much. In my two-week trip to Berlin I spent a while of both Saturdays there. It was great to curl up in one of those huge chairs with a drink and a book ("Ffangs the Vampire Bat and the Kiss of Truth" by Ted Hughes) I bought in my favorite book shop Shakespeare & Sons.

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