perjantai 17. tammikuuta 2014

Mister Finch


Eivätkö nämä vanhoista kankaista loihditut sienet ja eläimet olekin aivan mahtavia?! Ne ovat kaikki syntyneet itseoppineen taiteilijan Mister Finchin käsissä. Finch työskentelee yksin ja tekee kaiken käsin, joten herran upeita taideteoksia on rajallinen määrä. Lisää voi ihastella miehen blogista ja Flickristä. Valmistuneet ihanuudet ovat myynnissä Mister Finchin Etsy kaupassa.

(All artwork © Mister Finch, used with permission)

Aren't these just awesome?! They were all made by the self-taught artist Mister Finch who lives and works in Leeds, Yorkshire. Most of his pieces are made from recycled vintage textiles. In his own words: "Scraps of thread, fabric and paper are stitched and pulled into fairytale creatures looking for new owners and worlds to inhabit. They hide in the woods, behind masks, some have died along the way and are buried under spoon lockets". Finch works alone and makes everything by hand so all his work is limited. He sells his pieces in his Etsy shop. Check out more from his blog and Flickr.

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